We believe

God is drawing everyone from all time to Himself. All are God’s children. God does not wish that a single person should perish. Salvation is available to all regardless of where we’re from, who we are, or what our profession is.

We are God’s Beloved, meant to love God and one another with a fullness of heart, for He loved us first.

We were created to live in community that exemplifies God’s grace – around the table, gathered in worship, serving together.

Death was conquered once and for all through Jesus Christ when He died on the cross for our sins. While Jesus was without sin and didn’t deserve to die, He willingly took on our sins and died in our place so that we may have life everlasting with our Father in Heaven.

Our eternal home is in Heaven and comes when we know the only true God, and His Son, Jesus Christ.

It’s by faith, though holy grace, that we are saved. Our salvation is not by our works, but is a gift from God.

It doesn’t matter what the doctor says – true healing comes through Jesus; He has the final say.

Jesus invites us all to follow Him, deny ourselves and take up our cross.

We are called to seek justice, love mercy and walk humbly at all times, regardless of our circumstances.

God invites us to be partners with Him in building His Kingdom now and still to come.

God is Love. Love everlasting. Love unfathomable. Love absolutely pure.

Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father and mediates for us on our behalf.

In the Great Commission, Jesus calls His followers into all the nations to make disciples, to baptize people in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and teach them the way to live, in accordance with the scriptures. We believe in a day when every knee will bow and tongue confess that Jesus is Lord.

Our origin began in the Garden of Eden with God’s creation of man – made in His image. Through Adam’s sin, we became alienated from God. Because of this, we are unable to save ourselves from death. We need to be saved, and our Savior is Jesus Christ.

God is purposeful in all things to accomplish His will.

Just like Thomas, questioning is part of faith. Bringing our honest questions to Jesus is better than a false commitment to Him. Through our searching, we believe the Holy Spirit reveals himself and draws us closer to Him.

Nothing is too broken that cannot be redeemed or restored by God.

The Scriptures are divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit and without error. God’s Word is His Love Letter to us. The Old and New Testaments both lead to the message of salvation through Jesus Christ.

The Holy Trinity. Three in one. Father, Spirit and Son. Partners in all and through all.

The universal body of Christ is called to be united through the church in Truth, fellowship, worship and service.

Knowing who we are and WHOSE we are changes our view of ourselves and our world.

Wisdom comes from God, not the world. Just like Solomon, we ask God for wisdom to direct all our steps, all our days.

We find our God-given identity when we eXamine our lives and the Scriptures.

Even when it’s hard, even when the world sends its temptations, saying “yes” to God’s Will always leads to His Greater Story for our lives.

The best is yet to come! “The people God has ransomed will come back on this road. They’ll sing as they make their way home to Zionunfading halos of joy encircling their heads, welcomed home with gifts of joy and gladness as all sorrows and sighs scurry into the night.” – Isaiah 35:10